Syphilis Rapid Test

Product code: SC-0722-40

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Syphilis Rapid Test – Product code: SC-0722-40

Rapid test for the diagnosis of Syphilis to qualitatively detect antibodies (IgG and IgM) to Treponema Pallidum (TP) in whole blood, serum or plasma. The Syphilis Rapid Test (Whole Blood / Serum / Plasma) is a qualitative, membrane-based immunoassay for the detection of TP antibodies (IgG and IgM) in whole blood, serum or plasma. In the procedure of this test, a recombinant Syphilis antigen is immobilized in the area of ​​the test line. After the sample is poured into the well of the holder, it reacts with the Syphilis antigen coated particles in the test. This compound then migrates upwards on the membrane chromatographically and reacts with the immobilized Syphilis antigen. The dual antigen test format can detect both IgG and IgM in samples. If the sample contains TP antibodies, a colored line will appear in the test area indicating a positive result. If the sample does not contain TP antibodies, a colored line will not appear in this area, indicating a negative result. As a procedural control, a line will always appear in the test control zone, indicating that the correct volume of specimen has been used and that the membrane has been soaked. Treponema Pallidum (TP) is the agent that causes the venereal disease of Syphilis. TP is a spirochete bacterium with an outer envelope and a cytoplasmic membrane. Relatively little is known about the organism in comparison to other pathogenic bacteria. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the number of cases of Syphilis infection has risen sharply since 1985. Some key factors that have contributed to this increase include the prevalence of crack and cocaine and the high incidence of prostitution among those uses drugs. A study has shown a substantial epidemiological correlation between the acquisition and transmission of HIV and Syphilis. Multiple clinical stages and long periods of latent, asymptomatic infection are characteristic of Syphilis. Primary syphilis is defined by the presence of a lesion (syphiloma) at the injection site. The antibody response to the TP bacterium can be detected within 4-7 days after the lesion appears. The infection remains detectable until the patient receives adequate therapy. The Syphilis Rapid Test Cassette (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) uses a dual antigen combination with a Syphilis antigen coated particle and a Syphilis antigen immobilized on a membrane to detect TP antibodies (IgG and IgM) qualitatively and selectively in blood whole, serum or plasma. The Syphilis Rapid Test (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a qualitative, membrane-based immunoassay for the detection of TP antibodies (IgG and IgM) in whole blood, serum or plasma. In the procedure of this test, a recombinant Syphilis antigen is immobilized in the area of ​​the test line. After the sample is poured into the well of the holder, it reacts with the Syphilis antigen coated particles in the test. This compound then migrates upwards on the membrane chromatographically and reacts with the immobilized Syphilis antigen. The dual antigen test format can detect both IgG and IgM in samples. If the sample contains TP antibodies, a colored line will appear in the test area indicating a positive result. If the sample does not contain TP antibodies, a colored line will not appear in this area, indicating a negative result. As a procedural control, a line will always appear in the test control zone, indicating that the correct volume of specimen has been used and that the membrane has been soaked.


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