Urinalysis Reagent Strips

Product code: SCV-1248-100

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Urinalysis Reagent Strips – Product code: SCV-1248-100

The package contains 100 test strips. Urinalysis (Urine) test strips are rigid plastic strips onto which various distinct test areas have been attached. The test is for the qualitative and semi-quantitative detection of one or more of the following analytes in urine: ascorbic acid, glucose, bilirubin, ketone (acetoacetic acid), specific gravity, blood, pH, protein, urobilinogen, nitrite and leukocytes . Urinalysis (Urine) test strips are for single use only. For veterinary use only. Refer to the kit package label for the specific analytes listed and compare the analyte (s) to its color block on the table for results. Ascorbic Acid: This test uses Tillmann’s reagent discoloration. The presence of ascorbic acid causes the test field to change color from blue-green to orange. Patients with an adequate diet can excrete 2-10 mg/dL per day. After ingesting large amounts of ascorbic acid, levels can reach as high as 200 mg/dL. Glucose: the test is based on the enzymatic reaction that occurs between glucose oxidase, peroxidase and chromogen. Glucose is the first oxidized to produce gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide in the presence of glucose oxidase. Hydrogen peroxide reacts with potassium iodide chromogen in the presence of peroxidase. The level of oxidation of the chromogen determines the color produced, from green to brown. Glucose should not be detected in normal urine. Small amounts of glucose can be excreted through the kidneys. Low glucose concentrations up to 100 mg/DI can be considered abnormal if the results are consistent. Bilirubin: This test is based on the azo-coupling reaction of bilirubin with diazotized dichloroaniline in a strongly acidic medium. As the bilirubin levels vary, a pinkish-beige color is produced proportional to the concentration in the urine. In normal urine it is not possible to trace bilirubin even by the most sensitive methods. Even minute traces of bilirubin require thorough analysis. Atypical results (colors other than the positive or negative color blocks shown on the table) may indicate the presence of bilirubin-derived bile pigments in the urine and may hide the bilirubin reaction. Ketone: This test is based on ketones that react with nitroprusside and acetoacetic acid to produce a color change ranging from pale pink for negative results to deep pink or violet for positive results. Ketones are not normally present in the urine. Detectable levels of ketones can be detected during times of psychological stress such as during fasting, pregnancy and frequent strenuous exercise. In privative diets or in other states of abnormal carbohydrate metabolism, ketones appear in the urine at an excessive concentration before they appear in the serum. Specific Gravity: This test is based on the apparent change in pKa of some pretreated polyelectrolytes in relation to ionic concentration. In the presence of an indicator, the colors change from dark blue-green in urine with low ionic concentration to green and yellow-green in urine with increasing ionic concentration. Blood: This test is based on the peroxidase-like activity of hemoglobin which catalyzes the reaction of diisopropylbenzene dihydroperoxide and tetramethylbenzidine. The resulting colors range from orange to green to dark blue. pH: This test is based on a dual indicator system that provides a wide range of colors that cover the entire range of urinary pH. Colors vary from orange to yellow and from green to blue. Protein: This reaction is based on a phenomenon known as “protein error” of pH indicators where a highly buffered indicator changes color in the presence of proteins (anions) while the indicator releases hydrogen ions to the protein. With a constant pH, any green color development is due to the presence of protein. Colors range from yellow to yellow-green for negative results and from green to green-blue for positive results. Urobilinogen: This test is based on a modified Ehrlich reaction between p-diethylaminobenzaldehyde and urobilinogen in strongly acidic media to produce the pink color. Nitrite: This test depends on the conversion of nitrate to nitrite by the action of Gram negative bacteria in the urine. In an acidic medium, the nitrite in the urine reacts with the p-arsanyl acid to form a diazonium compound. The diazonium compound in turn couples with 1 N- (1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine producing a pink color. Leukocytes: This test reveals the presence of granulocytic esterases. Esterases release a derivatized pyrazole amino acid ester to liberate derivatized hydroxyl pyrazole. This pyrazole then reacts with the diazonium salt to produce a pinkish-beige to purple color.


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